The practice of being with another
ContacTango is.a research form that keeps.showing us ways of comunication, composition and presence.
It Is a practice of Deep trust and Joy, related tò music and space.
The questions that underline our practice are:
What kind of body and mind do we need to be ready to dance ContacTango?
How can we be in the movement rather than do movement?
How can we fully dance ourself while being with another dancing?
Leilani Weis
Dedicated to the analysis of her own and others movement, she feels the dance deeply. She devotes herself to teaching and the creation of dance pieces. She believes in the creative cooperation with others from where she nourishes her art .
Miguel Strebel
Part of the contact dancers, artists and creators of Barcelona. Dragqueen and stiltswalker who has been dancing for over 30 years. He is deeply interested in the rituality of performance. Friend of his friends.
Leilani Weis and Miguel Strebel meet in Barcelona in year 2000 researching Contact Improvisation with other dancers. They create and performeed at various festivals, events and where part of the firsts Jams in that city. Since 2015 they have been dancing and creating together, traveling teaching and performing CI and Contactango.
Friday 17th November 5pm-8pm Workshop
Saturday 18th November 10am-5pm Workshop and 7pm-10.30pm Jamilonga
Saturday 19h November 10am-3pm Workshop
Early Bird 180euro till 25th September
Regular Price 240euro
Institut Hara
Magdalenenstrasse 4
1060 Vienna
Registration via e-mail:
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